December 10, 2020

Numerology/Astrology for 12/10/2020 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: December 10, 2020Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 12/10/20

12/10/20 is the number = 8.

Add the 1 + 2 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 8.
The number 8 dredges up deep emotions again. Emotions are connected to water and water always flows one way or another. Water in its liquid form will always flow downhill. But water will evaporate and become clouds and eventually cool and drop down again to become rain, snow, sleet, etc.
We are at least 60% water. When we are born we have a higher content of water. But slowly over time, we lose water and scientists believe that this is one of the markers for aging.
When we die – we are the lowest percentage of water.
The number 8 is associated with the tears that fall from our eyes, the mood that the cloudy weather creates for some people, and the desire to exercise, as a method to blow through emotions that are causing stress and anxiety.
All of these things require water.
When we allow feelings to cascade through our body and do not block or inhibit their flow, they can and will inform us as to what is triggering us and where we are still learning to be objective rather than reactive.
While it can be difficult to feel emotions that choke us up, it is important to give permission for your own human condition. And to have compassion for that process. It was written that even Jesus wept at times.
So it must be okay to express what we are feeling.
Today, feel what is bubbling to the surface and let that feeling inform the mind and ego about the truth of a matter.
While minds never like the messiness of feelings, it is essential that the mind learns to listen to the emotional body, take that information in, and allow it to shape the next choice and action.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today  

Today, Venus (goddess of love, beauty, and discernment) sextiles to Pluto (planet of death, rebirth, transformation, and karma). With the Sun in optimistic Sagittarius and heading towards a trine with Mars (god of war) in Aries, it should be a day filled with fortitude, willingness, change, drive, and passion.
Best to be super honest and authentic in all your actions and decisions. Pulling a fast one is libel to blow up in your face. There is just not a lot of wiggle room left for anyone wanting to play games that are a waste of time, regurgitated nonsense, or requires too much mental energy because it is something that has the intention to cause confusion.
I personally would just walk away from those types of people.
Honesty counts. Today, it is time to take charge when there are those that intend to continue to cause confusion. Such people do not deserve your energy or intention.

It is time for honorable and comfortable approaches moving forward.
The tide has turned and the motivation is right there for you to grasp and use for honest and integrous intent.

It takes so much less energy to tell the truth. I believe that all of us have realized how exhausting it has been to try to follow lies around a circular track that lead nowhere.

Astrologically, some people may want to take the reins and lead. I whole-heartedly support that if that is their intention.
But even with today’s astrological push, there are still those aspects between Mercury and Saturn in the evening that delay success and continue to confuse communications.
The Moon is in Libra till bedtime and then it goes into the intense sign of Scorpio. Expect tension to increase tomorrow. And those that are emotionally sensitive to be more reactive and triggered.
As always – today is the reminder to “Be Prepared”.

~Suzanne Wagner~



Words matter!

Honesty counts!
Compassion is essential!

And Love – the breath that is life!

~Suzanne Wagner~


This is a day to take the reins and get going. To do that it is helpful to tell ourselves the truth about what is niggling in our mind. It is often hard to actually know. That is why some need to just talk without interruption in order for them to sort out the myriad things that are going on in their mind.
Learning to listen … really listen, is very helpful in that dance of life. I think so often people have trouble being fully present.
I think that sometimes people call me in order to have someone, anyone … be fully present with them and really hear them.
I believe that humanity has a self-correct mechanism and that often requires in many that they talk things through. When you allow someone that process and stay fully present with them, tracking their story and pattern, then you pull them into full presence with your presence. That is how the truth can reveal itself more quickly. The mistake many make is that they are not fully present, they are distracted when they are pretending to listen. They are impatient and that adds a chaotic mix into an already confused mind. When we want someone to “hurry up” and finish their story but somehow it never does. Did you ever think to ask “Why”?
I think it is often because they are still trying to get to the root of something in their psyche. But the answer does not reveal itself to a chaotic mind. That is where a good listener comes in. When someone really cares and really listens then they have the doorway to interject a perception or perspective that might allow that person to find the answers and the resolutions they seek. We can simply point out a door that they may not have noticed. We may shift their focus out of the loop and into another perspective.
Culturally we have lost patience.
That is why we do not value the health care workers in the mental fields as much as the medical fields. It is why psychologists and social workers are not paid by the insurance companies the way they should. It takes a lot of time to help a person sort out the many confusing aspects of a strained life.
It can take lifetimes for that soul to sort it out themselves. And it can take a few minutes of your precious times to help someone if they are ready to shift and include more information in their pattern.
And that is the key.
Some people don’t want to resolve issues.
Some want to use their pain to hook others into their drama. And it is an obvious trap that most people eventually figure out and that is when they will need to exit.
And yet, there are those precious moments when someone is really ready to get it and to shift. When it happens it is an opportunity to change the course of someone’s life forever. It is worth the effort and time.

I reflect on how many times I worked with my own mother through very difficult times. And now I reflect on how awake and aware she is at 84. Better than at any other point in her life.
She managed to work through a lot of terrible patterns from her childhood because she was willing, would question everything, sought out real answers, listened, worked hard to mature frozen selves, read lots of books, and did a ton of meditation.
So when I look at her I see a successful life. One that started out horribly but ended in awareness, forgiveness, understanding, and a peaceful center. You can ‘t ask for more than that in a lifetime.

There were many moments that I wondered if she could or would get it. But she doggedly kept trying to find the answers she was seeking ….until the pieces began to fall into place and the puzzle of her life finally created the shape and meaning that was the core of who she really was.

I share this because the process of healing trauma can take a lifetime. But that is why we are here. To work though that karmic suffering and to create meaning, understanding, acceptance, and joy from the events in our life.

My mother is an expression that it can be done. While there will always be more to do in the next lifetime, this one ends for her with a peaceful resolution and clarity.
I wish that for everyone at some point.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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