September 24, 2023

Quote – The Layered Banquets of Impermanent Kings

Quote – The Layered Banquets of Impermanent Kings

History records the deeds and dooms,
Of so many souls who breeched the walls of protocol.
Some took the risks and saw their last sunrise.
Other’s gathered strengths that they did not know … even as they bled.
The ignorant try to tear down anything they do not understand.
They want to feast upon things that make them feel less than and not a part of.
Some luxuriate in the wide expanse of earth’s profusion and abundance.
Others long to feel freedom from chains of the powerful.
History records those who feasted on the shame of their victims.
Like restless hyenas addicted to the smell and sight of blood.
Monarchs of the earthly realms imagine themselves locusts, at an insatiable banquet of fear.
Unaware that death is a popular tiger that will prey too upon their soul.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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