March 20, 2024

Quote – Creating Wisdom       

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 20, 2024Categories: Quote full-paid

Quote – Creating Wisdom       

The mind can stop pain,
but it can also stop joy.
And there are emotions
that some of us fear to experience,
and for good reason.
This is why humanity has created
stories, myths, movies, and podcasts.
It is through the sharing of the stories
of others that we can often learn
much that we have not yet experienced.
We are here to wander about,
trip and fall (occasionally),
marvel and risk, love and experience grief,
create and then share that creation with others.
This physical realm is messy.
Very messy in moments.
Yet somehow, we are to muddle through
so we can gain through our life’s choices
and experiences, that is how we
eventually create wisdom.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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