January 20, 2024

Astrology for 1/21/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: January 20, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 1/21/2024

Does it feel as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders? Pluto and the Sun in Aquarius has the ability to lift us up and out. And that can feel wonderful. We will all be getting used to this new trajectory and I am excited to see what we all together can co-create.
Mercury and Pluto will move in parallel today, and it is time to get to the bottom of something. Just remember that pushing too much is also not good. This Pluto in Aquarius is going to continue to make big shifts over the next 19 years and so we have time to figure out these new routines and smooth out those rough edges.
With the Gemini Moon we are being coaxed and encouraged to look at both sides or all the angles before we leap into something new. Such a Moon can make some feel antsy or confused. But others will love the mental variety and the deeper engagement that comes from a deep desire to really get to know others and to find ways to be encouraging while respectful of boundaries.
This is a playful day that is curious to explore other ways of thinking.
With the Moon harmonizing with Chiron and the North Node, all connections seem to have a deeper sense of purpose and meaning.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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