February 15, 2024

Astrology for 2/15/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: February 15, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 2/15/2024

The Moon in Taurus craves the simple things that really soothe our soul. Those things that are tried and true help us feel at home in our own skin. But Uranus and Jupiter are still in Taurus shaking things up and so we are going to have to admit that while we may want the familiar, many things are shifting to show us that we need to try new things with a more open and positive mindset. Perhaps we will have a new favorite thing that will help us in very different ways. Sometimes we do not know what we need … until we have it. And once we try it, we don’t know how we lived without it for this long. It is related to the constant changes that our body goes through and how sometimes life and this personal body demand that we radically shift our approaches to find another way and perhaps a better way.
Mercury and Chiron sextile first today but later on Mercury will also sextile to the North Node. Seems we are going to be asked to have some more challenging conversations with others, and it is actually the right time to do just that. If you want to get some things cleared up, today is a good day to start that process. Seems that the solution we have been seeking is now on the surface and ready to be integrated. Those smaller things seem to have a quality that now is energizing and helps to enhance our process.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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