March 3, 2024

Astrology for 3/3/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 3, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 3/3/2024

The Moon in Sagittarius has quite a bit of pep. We crave an adventure, and we feel optimistic that difficult things are possible.
Sagittarius’s ruling planet, Jupiter is in a semi square to Neptune adding to the idealistic viewpoint for today. Though this can be confusing as Neptune likes to exaggerate the possibilities and outcomes. Let’s just say that today, we can’t really see what is coming our way … so we might want to not want to pass our opinions and ideas out all over the place. They might not be seen in our best light. Know that it is easy to get off the path if you are following a potential money trail or the inflated expectations of others.
What is clear is that we seek freedom and some more ways to push against the norm. Venus and Uranus are also in a square, so be careful to not take on challengers and don’t pick up that glove if someone throws down a gauntlet. That challenge is one best to walk away from.
Taking on things in an emotional outburst are bound to be more difficult than expected and we are trying to learn that honor does not require us to respond to aggressive people. Today, just look at them curiously and then just walk away. Just because others want to fight does not mean it is a fight worth having.
If things today seem complicated, they are! We can blame a Sun/Moon square for some of this and the last quarter of the Moon. We are looking deeper into our unconscious realms. Many things need to be considered. We are changing our pace and priorities. And while that is a good thing. It is a hard thing as well. Revelations come when we learn to allow things to proceed naturally and don’t need the answer immediately.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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