May 27, 2024

Astrology for 5/28/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 27, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 5/28/2024

After the Memorial Day Weekend extravaganza, we have a more simple and less complicated astrological day. The Aquarius Moon continues to give us new insights and helps enlighten us out of our morose ruts that have ensnared us for a very long time. We cannot help but see the vision that lies in front of us. We cannot help but head off in that direction. We recognize that what we need and want is beyond the walls of fear, hate, bias, and prejudice. If one cannot see that then it will not matter because the trend will go that way regardless. And that is a very good thing. Our minds are stimulated and we seem to have more information and greater willingness to explore the depths of our own philosophical reality.
There is a feeling that extraordinary things are coming our way. While we do not know what they are, we will recognize them when they arrive. And that feels wonderful and gives us greater confidence so we can trust the learning curve in front of us.
Jupiter will quintile with Saturn and it seems that we are going to be very astute in making things happen. Actions speak volumes and while there is a small bit of urgency, we also know that planning and timing are going to be essential.

We feel quite inventive and somewhat proud of our cleverness in this moment.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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