July 30, 2023

Astrology for 8/1/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 30, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 8/1/2023

The Moon is Full and sets the tone for the month of August. Seems that we need to see things with much more clarity and remove some of our rose-colored filters. As this Moon is in Aquarius, many things are attempting to come together. This Moon also tries to get us to look ahead to what we may need next year. It gives us the ability to be more objective in our planning as we reach beyond the familiar into very new territory.
The Sun in Leo is roaring and proud of what each of us have accomplished this year. Seems that we need to be seen from the positions of our own power and contributions. We are not content to just be one in the herd. We want to find our own path and passionately move out into uncharted territories.
This powerful Moon and the dynamic energy of this Sun in Leo have quite a punch and we may feel that we are completely unafraid of what lies ahead because we are in the mood for an adventure.
Seems clearly defined goals are going to seem like proclamations coming out of our mouths.
We feel powerful and believe that we have the time to do the tasks that are calling to us now. There is a feeling of wanting to help and now actively seeking ways to do just that.
We seem to feel as if our power is concentrated and more in alignment with the forces that want to turn all of humanity towards a higher calling.
When we think of what needs to be accomplished we seem to believe in the possibilities and because of that our faith is restored and we have greater enthusiasm.
Know with a positive attitude much can be accomplished and even competitions seem to have a more friendly outcome.
Mars and Pluto will sesquiquadrate and that will add some pressure into what we want but with Mercury opposing Saturn this evening, be aware that words can come out a bit harshly and so we might want to keep quiet and not offer an option.
Know that if doubts show up, they are not to stop you from trying but instead they are attempting to show glitches in the current plan so we can correct them now. Because of these required adjustments know that there will be delays but with 5 planets going retrograde in August that is to be expected.
Know that some are going to appear over the top in their expression today and this month. It is a symptom of so much energy trying to come into our body and us trying to figure out what to do with it all.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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