September 15, 2023

Astrology for 9/16/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 15, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 9/16/2023

The Moon in Libra brings us a new level of balance. Things are more pleasant and we are filled with affection and care for those we love. Compromise is what makes life worth living and allows for both sides to be heard as we attempt to grow and understand other’s perspectives. We need a world that is willing to operate from win/win. When everyone gives a little then others do not feel taken advantage of. What is coming our way over the new 20 years of Pluto in Aquarius is that we are going to need to come to new levels of compromise as technology takes over jobs that mankind has done for centuries. That will make us ask the questions, “What is humanities next step in evolution.” We also will have to find what is next for all of us. We will all need to adapt and grow in new and perhaps difficult ways. It is time to find value in more creative ventures and perhaps bring about a new type of Renaissance as we move past the industrial age and into what lies ahead.
Mars and the Moon pull no punches today and while the Moon wants balance, Mars wants to act and react with a sense of urgency. Notice if fear of the future is underlying what is calling you to action. We can use the energy, gumption, and drive of Mars to push us towards good and constructive things but we have to keep our hands on the reins of this every emotional horse that intends to leap and buck under the incentives that are prodding us to move.
Venus is about to square to Jupiter and while it happens tomorrow, notice how it activates things today. Do your best to not expect more out of people than they can manage. Know that expecting too much makes everyone uncomfortable. People can only give what they have inside to offer.
This astrology can make each of us overdo, take on too much in our enthusiasm, and express things that are not going to be completely true in the long run. While we may feel those feelings now, they may be short-lived.
But this moment can be helpful as it allows us to approach things in a very different manner.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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