September 26, 2023

Astrology for 9/27/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 26, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 9/27/2023

The Pisces Moon illuminates what is hidden on the inside. The inside of ourselves and for us to finally perceive the inside of others that they have carefully hidden away from the light.
But the shifting of the sun in the sky and the deepening of the light into shadow, often reveals what cannot be seen in the bright light. Intentions get revealed, illusions become illuminated, and motivation reveals the underlying motives.
Seems listening to our guts … is going to be the plan for today. Following our feminine feelings may lead us to insights that we did not see at the beginning.
With this astrology and Pluto’s ending in Capricorn, we are seeing into past decisions that lead to commitments that were “perhaps” not in our best interest.
This moment signals a turn. A turn towards more personal discipline around diet and the willingness to take care of ourselves.
Seems we need to do a detox on many levels. Definitely on the physical level, but also mentally, and emotionally. Spiritually we are being asked to move into many new territories with no complete answers at this time.
Mercury and Chiron also make us more aware of how some people use words to lead others into places that only make them more stuck and promote misguided actions that cause suffering for all.
I expect some people to be snarky and inflated in their opinions and that can cause us to doubt others.
I find that sensitive people will feel more on edge and will feel vulnerable to the unhealthy patterns of those in their environment who intend to use and abuse their kind nature.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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