Astrology for 9/4/2023
Seems the Mercury retrograde is getting under our skin and making simple things take more time. This Mercury will trine to Jupiter and right after that Jupiter also turns retrograde. It will tend to making certain things seem to drag greatly. Seems most things are just going to take more time than expected. We might as well make the best of it. Sometimes we are asked to slow down to gain wisdom that can only grow them our perspective twists and changes in subtle ways. While our enthusiastic light might feel dimmed the truth is that we need to have time to gather up a type of acceptance that comes from more faith and hope.
We are in a moment when luck may waver but remember to find the answers one seeks first inside rather than outside. We are in a time till the end of the year to ponder this massive shift of Pluto going into Aquarius on January 20th. Much will change over the next two decades and I expect that we will look back and not recognize the old world at all.
For some this may feel as if you are being shot out of a cannon.
So, this pause might be put to good use as we prepare for this massive shift in the astrology.
This Jupiter retrograde will be in Taurus the whole time adding to the intensity of the Uranus in Taurus. While Mercury and Jupiter try to bring a bit of optimistic energy into the mix, perhaps we should direct this towards creating a future that all of us want to live in.
Find meaning in small things and recognize that keeping things simple and moving from a more open heart is the best way to proceed.
~Suzanne Wagner~