August 9, 2024

Astrology for August 10, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 9, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for August 10, 2024

The Moon in Libra is doing a great job bringing us out of the emotional chaos of the past many years as it connects so positively with other planets, and showing that it is in the care and joy of our fellow man that we reclaim our rights and freedoms. A culture is judged not on how it treats the powerful and wealthy but in how it treats those that struggle. Cultures that stand the tests of time can and will always do the later. Because they know that when all the people feel heard and valued that every civilization can accomplish so much more.

This evening the Moon will go into the much darker and hidden sign of Scorpio. Things are going to continue to heat up and those that refuse to love will try to stir the smoldering ashes that have become their heart.

The Sun and Saturn will quincunx. While things will lead into more difficulties, (especially with the Mercury retrograde in place) just know that we might keep feeling that we are in the dark in some way. I would try to put that feeling to the side and chalk it up to those things inside that hide and fester in the darkness. Don’t fret. It will lighten up as the day goes along.

Venus and Pluto will biquintile and we feel as if a weight is lifting off our shoulders. Responsibilities shift from imperative to the feeling of something coming to a conclusion.

Jupiter and Mars will parallel, and these two fire planets have a lot to say. There will be much going on and a sense that we all can find a doorway through to the next chapter in our lives. One book has closed while another opens. That new book has a lot of blank pages for us to fill in. But the emptiness is also open to infinite possibilities. And that is a very good thing. We feel as if the Divine has instilled us with new confidence and the power to follow our heart and convictions.

With a Juno/Pluto trine, things feel very reassuring and confidence building. It feels natural to embrace a more mature self. It seems that the universe is blessing us with more energy that we can use to commit to very new things and to follow our passions.

Though we are warned in a fair way that complications that we cannot see will still arise because Vesta and Chiron will trine. But it almost does not matter because we are finding a new place inside that believes more in ourselves than in what others will or won’t do.

What is now clear is that we can do more and have more to offer. To do that, we must continue this trend of being more awake and aware to our personal needs. The better care we do for ourselves the more we can do and the easier it is for others that love us. If you cannot do it for yourself, do it for them, so that they do not worry about us.

We have a new place of genius inside that is coming out and with it we will find those that support us in that and those that will embrace our ideas with the same vim and vigor that we feel.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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