Astrology for 4/21/2023
Mercury prepares to go retrograde today. It appears still in the sky, and it will spend this whole retrograde cycle in Taurus.
It might feel a bit exasperating, as some things you thought might be close to the finish line are suddenly delayed … again.
Snafus are the way of things for the next three weeks. It is best to not take things so personally.
Sometimes a Mercury retrograde can be useful if we look at it from the position that perhaps … we need to rethink a few things and that what we believed was so cut and dried … might end up being a bit more complicated than we thought.
We are in a time to reconsider what we had considered … finished.
It might be time to tear things apart and do a major reorganization to the project that we are currently on. The good news is that this retrograde is going to make things easier to figure out because our awareness is stronger, and we can see things more clearly.
To some that new insight might come as a bit of a surprise.
The Moon in Taurus will align with this Mercury, and then Uranus later on. There are a few things that will require us to hear what others are thinking today. It might be hard to listen but do try anyway.
~Suzanne Wagner~