April 21, 2023

Astrology for 4/22/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 21, 2023Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 4/22/2023


Early this morning the Moon shifts out of Taurus and into the engaging sign of Gemini. The speed of our thoughts quicken, and our curiosity is peaked. It is time to adapt more to the changing circumstances. The key to joy is through a greater flexibility.
Venus and Mars will run side-by-side and that gives us great energy to our creative ideas.
Those we love and care about become our focus and we start to plan some summer get-togethers.
The desire to connect is heightened and we are attempting to discover ways to make things more beautiful. You might be starting up in the garden and excited to bring more color into your yard.
If there are events coming up the in parks, with music and dancing, it is the perfect time to plan those events into your schedule.
The Sun and Mars are both in agreement that the day is about creative expressions and learning to grab life when it happens. Don’t wait. That may be too late. Time is speeding up as we move into the Aquarian Age and all of us are learning to be more sensitive to others and to let go of so much antagonism.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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