July 9, 2023

Astrology for 7/10/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 9, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 7/10/2023

The Moon is in Aries all day until this evening at which point it goes into Taurus. Until then, we will have the energy to leap in and try some new things. After that, we may want to sit back, and have some time with food and family.
Maybe, it is a good time to do a home movie night.
The big news is that Mars enters Virgo today and it will add energy to each of us that desire to find new ways to organize our passions into finding how they fit into the bigger scheme of things. The details matter and this astrological detail is very helpful in finding the ways to piece things together. We have much more focus to do what is needed and the patterns of precision always add great substance to those things we are intending to create.
We have the ability to listen and notice the complicated patterns that are to be woven into something wonderful.
Add to that, Mercury will go into Leo tomorrow and just today, Mercury will oppose Pluto. While we need to figure out how to address certain things do your best to not leap to any conclusions just yet.
For some this can make them mentally anxious, suspicious, and it may make some blurt out the truth which may show their guilt rather than innocence.
Some want power struggles. Others just want resolution. Regardless, this aspect can bring many together to face mutual foes more effectively.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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