July 16, 2023

Astrology for 7/17/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 16, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 7/17/2023

The New Moon opens us to a new way to see our reality. Personal, home, and family are learning to merge in new ways. We see our home as the foundation that is first inside ourselves. If we feel at home inside that making a home outside is much easier. When we know how to be a friend to the many personalities inside our soul, then we can be a true friend to many different types of people. When we know we are safe inside then we can give that sense of belonging to others.
This New Moon packs a punch because it is opposite Pluto. That can bring up old issues and patterns that are now finally, ready to heal.
This astrology is calling us to start a new cycle. One that allows for the pains in our past to finally be released. Sometimes we need the right set of circumstances in order to open. When those moments show up they are magical and powerful. They can give us the inspiration to rebuild and surrender up what needs to be completed now for that future to begin. Expect waves of resistance or sudden obstacles to interfere but do not pay them much attention.
This New Moon is in a harmony with Neptune and that can support our efforts further.
The North Node goes into Aries and will be there till January 11th, 2025. Look carefully at the balance needed to maintain our independent self. Notice those places that we acquiesce rather than support a relationship in growing more. Co-dependent patterns are less attractive and we are learning to trust our own instincts. Have more confidence in our choices even if we might end up being wrong. And when we are wrong, take the necessary steps to make the required correction. That is how wisdom is cultivated in consistent ways. In relationships, when we are at peace, our state of contentment feels safer and more accepting.
Mercury and Jupiter will square today, and we are opening a few new doors to create our life into a work of art. Just know that deception, lies, and overstating yourself will only get you into hot water. Remember that right now, you are enough.
Many astrological aspects are hammering our reality, it can be complicated to figure out the correct path currently.
Today, things can feel overwhelming but just don’t try to get too far ahead of yourself.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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