September 27, 2023

Astrology for 9/28/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 27, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 9/28/2023

The Moon will shift out of intuitive Pisces this evening. Until then, it adds a dreamy quality and allows our mind to feel as if it can drift on the potential and the possibilities that are still alive within our heart.
What breathes our heart open today is the desire for more compassion in our world. We seek to understand what our mind cannot yet grasp.
Deep down something is bubbling and trying to come to the surface. Deep instincts move us in new ways and while the logic seems absent, some profound meaning seems to still pull us into places where those things that we struggle to make sense of … can finally begin to be understood on a feeling level … rather than a mental one.
Once the Moon goes into Aries this evening, the energy shifts out of this dreamy quality and into action. Seems time for a bolder approach. It is time to move with self-assurance and competent optimism.
With a newfound fire in our belly, it is time to get going and to take initiatives that will lead us towards these new goals.
We are moving towards a Full Moon in Aries on Friday. Inside of us we seem to be trying to make a few promises to ourselves.
The dreams of our heart long to find soil in this earth upon which to grow.
We are feeling this coming Full Moon as the polarity of Aries and Libra (God of war and Goddess of love). Try to find a place inside and outside where we can stand together. We want to move and get something going and we also want to find a place to find compromise and to stand firm.
The answer lies in the types of relationships in which it impacts our personal chart. If these challenges are around those we love, it is easier to compromise. However, if not, it can inflame our passions and make us want to claim our own territory and to be seen and known.
Regardless of where you wish to make your stand. Know that diplomacy is going to be needed and remember that both sides will appreciate authenticity. Finding how to move honesty with tact is a still something that must be learned and honed. Might as well start practicing now. No better time than the present.
We are coming into a time where we will need to make some emotional declarations for ourselves. Perhaps we need to make a solemn promise to the person we wish to become and that now needs to emerge.
Declaring to the universe what we want, who we are, and what we want next in our lives is going to be important as we allow this Moon to illuminate what has been hiding in the shadows.
Our true self is trying to burst forth from its hiding place. Remember, as we let out this “new” self it can feel not well integrated or completely rational.
As we move to honoring this deeper self, remember that others may not completely understand or know how to respond.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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