January 2, 2023

Blog/Poem – 12/26/2022 – The Day Dawned Bright and Clear

Suzanne’s Blog for 12/26/2022





The day dawned bright and clear.

The sunset was amazing, reds so bright with cheer.

The animals are out seeking their breakfast of seeds.

I am looking for a good book … to be by the fire to read.

I hope your special day was filled with love.

I hope you got a chance to clear and get rid of.

All the paper from the packages of fun.

And before eating more pie got to go out and run.

Celebrate the moment by going outside.

Embrace all you are and don’t ever try to hide.

That which makes you special and kind.

It matters not if others are blind.

But when we forget that the pure love that we are.

Is alive and well, that will carry us far.

Into a world that is often so difficult to cope.

But everything is possible if we just remember to hope.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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