June 11, 2018


About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 11, 2018Categories: Astrology/Numerology, Intuitive Patterns Daily



Osho Zen Tarot:  Harmony, Inner Voice, Transformation
Medicine Cards: Spider, Turkey, Blank Shield
Mayan Oracle: New Myth, Unity, Complex Stability
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Ten of Disks, Queen of Cups, Ace of Disks
Aleister Crowley Deck: Princess of Wands, Change, The Moon
Healing Earth Tarot: Ten of Crystals, Grandfather of Wands, Seven of Crystals
Words of Truth: Knowing, Purity, Change


What do we weave when we deny.

And use the treads of deception and lies?

A web that corrupts and destroys the soul

A spider that tears out hearts of gold.

~Suzanne Wagner~


As I pulled the cards for this month the first one that jumped out was the Spider in the Medicine Cards. Spider is the weaver and she brings the threads of energy, light, and matter together to make life happen. Spider is the ruler of words and the artist of communication. The spiders body looks like the number 8 or the infinity symbol. She can bring great wealth and prosperity or cause great sadness and grief (the number 8 numerologically). Her 8 legs represent the 4 directions and the 4 winds of change. She is the weaver of fate and shows that there is a lethal consequence to not seeing through the illusion of the physical world. Her web is in the shape of a circle just like the wheel of life and reminds us that when we are not decisive enough then we become consumed by our fears and limitations.

She is the feminine creative force at work this month and she is there to remind us that you must choose a new path to your present impasse. There are opportunities at the edge of the web that you might be ignoring and are at risk of missing completely. She is the reminder that when you are criticizing of others you are feeling so weak inside that you must attack others before they realize your state and overwhelm you with the words of truth.

Wow! What a powerful metaphor she is this month as so many planets go retrograde and pull us into the doors of inward seeking rather than outward doing.

In the cards the 10 of Crystals points again to the fact that we have held onto a set of beliefs for way too long. They have become old, fragile, and are breaking under the strain of external forces that are again overwhelming the system. There are moments that what we have held onto something for so long and have kept so near and dear to our hearts, that we cannot tear it away because we believe it is a part of us. We believe that this tool is so essential that it is the reason for our very survival, power, stability and existence. We used this tool to stabilize the chaos, so we could gain confidence. But now the tool is seen for exactly what it is …. a tool. And a tool does not have power. You give the tool power. It is your intention and energy put into the tool that gave it the remarkable qualities of magic that sparked the revolutionary shift in your awareness a long time ago. But eventually you must see that you are the central force around which those tools spin. This month, you begin to see that within you is the power to understand and to know. At that moment, the tool becomes obsolete and worth nothing.

When you forget to appreciate what you have because of what you desire, you lose touch with reality and are at risk of losing everything. Remember that desires are always illusions.

When you journey towards a wish out of a place of lack of self-worth or self-esteem, you will never get the desired object or energy.

But when you use that desire to bring wonder, gratitude, delight, and adventure into the lives of others you always win. Fulfillment is never found in things or in what you have but in what you have to give and the impact you have made for others. When you give from your heart you discover your worth and your value. You find your joy and confidence. And you discover your inner greatness.

Find the purity in your soul that you know is there and unify your thoughts around it. That will allow the complexity of life to calm down. From there you will understand how to transform your passion into harmony and inner clarity.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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