Numerology/Astrology for 5/1/2022
5/1/2022 is the number 12.
5 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 12.
Then we can add the 1 + 2 to get the number 3.
Once again, at the beginning of a month the numbers back up in order to go forward. At least today’s number, is a Positive Mind number. And that is a good thing.
So, smile … be happy … care for others … be genuine in what you do today. We are all in this world together and we all interact in ways like we are in a giant game of bumper cars.
We choose directions and that allows us to bounce into other souls as we move through our journey.
Sometimes those engagements make us laugh and smile and sometimes those bumps are harder than anticipated and end up irritating us.
The conclusion we need to come to is … that we need to realize that each person is on their own trajectory and that many interactions are much less personal than we seem to take them.
Learn to laugh at the antics of humanity as we all try to find a purpose and meaning in life. This is part of our own realization because we are no different in our bumbling around this physical plane of existence.
That is why being kind is the only real way through. Take most things with a sense of humor.
Everyone is walking their own path back home and everyone will have new stories to share about what they learned … later.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today
The Moon is in Taurus, and we are trying to slow down and take care of the obvious. It is time to make something new and exciting that can allow us to put our focus into a task that will consume us for a period.
Because of yesterday’s eclipse there is a restlessness still lingering in the air. We are trying to have a clearer understanding of relationships and what and where we are going.
There are some unhealthy patterns that are becoming clearer and that will allow us to spend more time on taking care of ourselves.
Pluto will sextile to Venus, and we will see some of the barriers breaking down as we learn to accept what just is and stop needing to have certain patterns in ways that make sense to us.
Comforting positions are more helpful and are a better strategy going forward.
~Suzanne Wagner