July 19, 2022

Numerology/Astrology for 7/19/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 19, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 7/19/2022

7/19/2022 is the number 23.

7 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 23.

Then we can add the 2 + 3 to get the number 5.

The number 5 is ruled by the asteroid of the Wounded-Healer-Teacher, Chiron. This planet/asteroid points us to address those things still seeking healing in this life.
It is though finding stability and safety that we learn how to move into this world in practical ways that support a grounded life that allows for growth in awareness that gives us the chance to interrupt repeating patterns and gives us the courage to do something different.

Patience is Chiron’s primary tool to help us remember that healing takes time.
Often there are layers of issues that must be unwound to support a new foundation for a healthier approach.
We all have physical, emotional, and sexual needs.
The ways we go about finding and attaining those needs will determine the level of wounding that we manifest in this life.

It is easy to say, “Don’t do things!” but in a normal life, we can reach for things that we believe we need for fulfillment only to realize too late that we may have manifested destructive tendencies instead.
When we reach desperately for only what we want in the moment, rather than think in broader terms that allow us to see the sequences that will unfold in our future, we can lose much of what had real value.
Today, look ahead to see what may transpire by our actions. Getting what we want all the time leads to selfish behavior that will ultimately cause only more suffering.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology for Today

Battles can rage inside and out. This astrology can feel disruptive and edgy. Do your best to step away from all defensive actions as this world really does not need more drama.
Pushing will only undermine our ability to feel powerful. And if power is all that one seeks … then your intentions and agenda need to be carefully re-evaluated.

Remember that many are dealing with personal battles inside that seem to complicate their lives in less than favorable ways.

It may feel that there are those outside our close circle that intend to impose their will on us. But don’t worry because they will fail. This astrology will not favor those power-mongers that want to define their existence with the bloodied heads of those they wish to suppress, vanquish, or control through fearful laws.

Manage your concerns with self-determined clarity and recognize that you have the ability to find the resources you need for manifesting a fabulous life.
Expect old issues to surface and circumstances seem to come up with timing that is not expected and difficult to handle.

Notice what you cling to.
Notice that anything held too tightly will drain our personal power and that is not what you want to waste energy on currently.

The Sun and Pluto keep pulling us into those places where we have restricted our heart and hidden truth.

Chiron will seem still in the sky and will begin to go retrograde today. We will be in the clutches of the Chiron retrograde which will force us to address our wounding till December 23rd.

Meditation and all introspective options are supported at this time. Big adjustments are happening, and we are to ultimately gain better control over our mental and physical health.
The changes coming are deep and profound, so know that it can feel a bit disorienting as we figure out how to make this shift.

Mercury goes into Leo until the 4th of August, giving us much more confidence to express our grand ideas that we see as the next goal ahead. Express what seems to be arising in kind and considerate ways. While we want our voices to be heard, know that words driven by chaotic thoughts, and irrational intentions will fail.
While Mercury in Leo wants desperately to be heard, perhaps we need to listen to ourselves first and then notice if our approach will give us the best outcome.

Watch out for inflexible thinking or pride that is too rigid to change.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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