Numerology for 10/26/2023
10/26/2023 is the number 16
1 + 0 + 2 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 16
1 + 6 = 7
Today, the number 7 lets us know that we need a plan and keep following through with those plans.
This is a number of the structure of language and how some can use words intentionally that hide, disguise, and change the meaning of situations so that people can be controlled, manipulated, or activated.
The power that words have over a population has always been very clear. Understanding the power of words requires one to be educated as to the ways and means that language can be used for good or evil. Those that want a population controlled will always try to restrict the flow of education, books, and minimize the value of knowledge unless it is for their own expressed purposes.
There is a phrase I always think of with the number 7, and it was said beautifully by Shakespeare,
“Much Ado About Nothing?”
The moral of this play is to make us look at communication and deception. Shakespeare shows that with proper communication many conflicts in the play could have been avoided. He shows that deception is used for both good and evil by various characters.
Shakespeare implies that a lot of time and effort (much ado) is often used by those in power to focus the masses on something insignificant (nothing).
He brings into the light the conflicts that those characters have around a shared suspicion of marriage. They see it as a trap in which husbands are bound to be controlled and deceived. But deep in their hearts that long to be married.
The ongoing theme is one that plays out the patterns of trickery and deceit. It reminds us that something much darker often lies hidden beneath all gilded surfaces. It reminds us that life plays out like a tragic comedy.
Today, look at the gilded surfaces that you maintain and recognize that they are hiding something dark inside. And instead of trying to put another layer of gold over it, why not let the darkness out. Because when one does that, we discover that wholeness is a much better and authentic way to live and that all that glitters will eventually tarnish over time.
~Suzanne Wagner~