Numerology for 10/27/2023
10/27/2023 is the number 17
1 + 0 + 2 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 17
1 + 7 = 8
Today, the number 8 casts doubt on a few things. We are living in a time when the dysfunction of a few seems to highlight the problems of many cultures. While I know we are all down here to learn from our experiences. I also know that the greatest lessons often come from our greatest mistakes and the presumptions we make from biases and lack of knowledge or understanding. We cause so much of our own sorrow (the number 8) when we do that and yet, once we make such severe mistakes and then have to deal with the fallout and consequences, we often learn to never make that same choice again.
Today, notice the lessons that continue to plague your conscience. Remember that peace is a place of objective and honest neutrality that arises when we understand our own motives and why we made certain choices. Only from this place can we be effective in making the correct choices that allow for changes that will stand the tests of time and move with us from this life into other places and spaces.
Today, ask the question, “Is this choice fair, honest, just, and will I be proud of this choice as I am dying and leaving this world?”
If we used this as a filter for our actions, we might bump into fewer problems and get less wounded in this life’s process.
While sadness and grief is a part of being human, learning to live a life where one is not the cause of terrible grief or suffering in others is a worthy goal.
~Suzanne Wagner~