Numerology for 10/30/2023
10/30/2023 is the number 11
1 + 0 + 3 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 11
1 + 1 = 2
Today, we decide if we want to work with the number 11 or the number 2. That is the question for today. Do we allow the negative thoughts of many invade our peace and take us on a ride through their fears and biases, or do we take the higher road and look past the obvious things that are happening in our world and instead attempt to create something better. We can be a part of the problem or engage actively in seeking the solutions.
Finding answers in a world of problems takes a certain type of mental discipline and self-restraint. We cannot help anyone or anything, if we are caught by our own fears and past traumas and allow them to haunt us in the caves of our past.
We are all down here to learn the values of some things that were not offered to us throughout our own lives. When we are not given essential things that we needed, we learn how to give them to ourselves.
From there we can learn how valuable they are and then give them to others. We cannot heal this world by wallowing in our own pain. We came to this world to learn the power of love and that each person has the potential to heal, change, evolve, and become something much more wonderful than we ever believed.
But we cannot wait for such powerful moments to be handed to us on a silver platter. We must decide that we are not going to wait on the world. It is time to realize that we have the power within ourselves to do much more and then seek out the tools and techniques that will give us a more lasting peace.
We cannot create peace in the external world if we have not found it inside our own soul.
Seek the higher ground (the number 11). After all, we know the quagmire of the mind and the cumulative negative thoughts (the number 2) that are already out there. There is always more, but we need to look up to see other pathways through this density.
~Suzanne Wagner~