Numerology for 7/12/2023
7/12/2023 is the number 17.
7 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 17.
1 + 7 = 8
In Yogic Numerology, the number 8 calls us to our heart … and to remember to breathe. Life is filled with those moments that touch something so deep that we are taken off guard. Today, being “real” matters more than being strong. Everyone in this world is holding wounds that are deep, profound, and that have impacted us greatly.
Today, notice if those wounds have the potential to make us a better person. I believe that life sometimes pummels us to break down our ego and to show us that the path to peace is one of vulnerability and care.
But often we have to have our own experiences to allow us to relate to the suffering of others. Compassion is a form of love. But compassion gets lost in trying and striving. Compassion moves slowly and it often comes out of the fires of sorrow.
That is why today, being the number 8 is so significant. Notice how high your compassion quota is inside. If it seems hard to find that means it might be time to look into those places within that still harbor sorrow. By allowing our conscious mind to process deep grief, we begin to understand that the transformation of sorrow into compassion is an alchemical process that is natural if we learn to not avoid truths hiding within but instead embrace our humanness and realize that there is great beauty in the striving of a soul to find peace and contentment.
~Suzanne Wagner~