Numerology for 7/16/2023
7/16/2023 is the number 21.
7 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 21.
2 + 1 = 3
In Yogic Numerology, the number 3 reminds us to celebrate each day. We are on this earth, to live in the moment to the best of our abilities. See the efforts that so many put into the small things. Let your heart sing and give it what it needs to fly.
Tomorrow will not come for some … so that is why we treasure each and every day. See the good and let go of what is too heavy to carry forward.
In the end, we grieve because we did not let things go. We hang on to these small hurts that were often not intended to be against us, but they were just another manifestation of that soul’s unconscious behavior.
That is why this number reminds us to not sweat the small stuff. It is not worth the effort, stress, and strain to keep carrying it. Such things when allowed to build up will topple our confidence, eat away at our joy, and tear apart our tolerance.
Today, intend to let things go. Allow for more joy to come into your life. Remember the positive and let go of the negative. Find peace by realizing that those things that we put so much emphasis and meaning on may be less significant in the long run.
~Suzanne Wagner~