Numerology for 7/23/2023
7/23/2023 is the number 19.
7 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 19.
1 + 9 = 10
Everyone has hidden power inside and with today being a number 10 day, we have another opportunity to believe in ourselves and the power that is in each and every one of us. The easy roads are for those moments when we cannot take more on. But occasionally the hard roads are there to remind us that there are forces inside that have been hidden. They were just waiting for the right moment to show us that our inside is as vast as our outside.
Inside us are secret caves that hold great wisdom. Inside there are tools of transformation lying in wait for the moment they are called into action. We have artistic talents that are asking for some time and attention so they can emerge into the light of our conscious awareness. We are all born with infinite potential but in this dimension and time, such things require our focus and effort for them to be honed into patterns that can be seen and experienced.
Today, ask the question, “What things do you find of great interest and would love to know more about?”
Then embark on a world of self-discovery so that the hidden gems within such interests start to gleam in the light.
Life has the ability to saturate your soul with magic and wonder but you often have to be willing to let it in and go on that adventure.
Boredom is a symptom of a soul trapped in a loop of limitation and restriction. Only you can put yourself in such loops. So, it will be up to us to get ourselves out of them.
In a number 10 day, there is an extra push from the universe to give you the incentive to get going and stretch out of the familiar and towards something new and exciting. Take such opportunities to heart and let yourself discover the hidden treasures that are asking to be found.
~Suzanne Wagner~