September 23, 2023

Numerology for 9/24/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 23, 2023Categories: Astrology/Numerology, Numerology Daily

Numerology for 9/24/2023

9/24/2023 is the number 22

9 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 22
2 + 2 = 4

In yogic numerology, the number 4 desires calm seas for our sojourn into the world today. Try to pick words that are less inflammatory and instead cultivate compassion, caring, and self-control.
If we are to create a peaceful world, we first need to discover our own inner center, and cultivate new types of balance for ourselves.
Balance in life is one thing and while this number appreciates balance, balance in nature can be quite brutal.
This number also represents neutrality and that is a bit more difficult to maintain. Because while life swirls around, neutrality asks us to observe without judgment and to not react but to be fully present from a place that is able to witness things recognizing that certain things are going to unfold whether we like them or not. It seeks in observing objectively, that we begin to want to understand the nature of things. Only when we fully understand the nature of things can we not try to impose our will over them.
This number understands that knowledge is the greater power when combined with understanding that seeks to move towards wisdom and clarity.
Wisdom does not come from reactive actions. Wisdom comes from being able to contemplate all options and to know one’s subject so well that we can anticipate its actions and movements to certain situations.
Wisdom has a cool demeanor. Because when we really understand something, the movements and actions of others become interesting as we learn to question the deeper why in certain actions rather than living a life in a constant state or reaction to situations.
The world is not out to get us. We are being asked to learn to watch, listen, and learn. When we understand the nature of some things then we can flow with the forces of life and learn to work with them and become one with the flows in life.
Too many people are always battling life and such actions are exhausting and draining.
We cannot learn to enjoy life if we are Don Quixote constantly fighting against windmills.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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