Numerology/Astrology for 2/17/15
Today is the number 9. Learning to complete things in your life that are left undone is what this day is all about. It is about learning to say, “No” to the patterns that have outgrown their usefulness. Step beyond this present perception. Look inside to the creative sensitivities that are bubbling to the surface. There is a solution to the present problem that is beyond your old ways. Let something new emerge and let the old reality go. Some things in life are stepping stones but they are not the final analysis or constant truth. Truth always expands as your capacity to handle it and hold energy expands. Things are never as simple as you may want them to be. Resistance to change makes it seem more difficult. But that is not true. It is you’re your mind that is making it complicated. When you accept that things change and the resistance goes away it is replaced by a calm and a clarity that expands your awareness and give you a new place to stand and a new understanding. The Moon is in Aquarius all day, and the Sun semi-squares Aquarius’ ruler, Uranus. You may want to shake things up, make changes, and break up your routine. However, we could feel tense if you’re faced with unexpected schedule changes or if you are not in touch with what it is you need to change. Jupiter and Chiron form a quincunx today – an aspect that first became exact in September and will recur on June 30th (it’s following the Jupiter-Uranus trine around). With this longer-term aspect, there can be a questioning of your goals or possibly your beliefs and faith, as doubt and uncertainty creep in. You may feel a little lost and susceptible to influence. Be careful as you might push impractical ideas and projects ahead, only to face obstacles. Circumstances are such that you need to make adjustments to your plans and goals. You may need to tame your expectations of yourself and of others. The Moon is Balsamic today, with a New Moon occurring tomorrow evening. Keep things simple and avoid all-new endeavors.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Happiness is not something that you get in life. Happiness is something that you bring to life.
~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
It is easy to see the bad in life but much harder to see the happiness. There are moments where you have to strive to discover the happiness. You have to actively seek out the small things at times and hang on to them like your life depended on it. Remember it is the small things are what break the strangle hold of negativity that surrounds you. What is strange is that it is not hard to do in the active sense but it is hard to do in the sense that you have to step out of the addictive energy of drama that the negativity creates as it moves. Chaos is always in life but within that chaos is a pattern weaving life, love, and light together and bringing it into the physical plane. Step out of the feeling of chaos and into the overview of the weaving of the tapestry of life all around you. When you can see the bigger picture rather than complexity of each woven thread it makes it easier to discover the happiness in life.
~Suzanne Wagner~