Numerology/Astrology for 1/10/17
1/10/17 is the number 3. The number 3 gives you a verbal frankness and an ability to motivate others. This number is all about bringing the three levels of awareness into better balance. You need your body, emotions, and mind to work together in a cooperative environment to make things happen in conscious and deliberate ways. Try to see the divine spark in others and look to what connects us all as one. It is time to have faith in yourself. The Tarot card that is associated with this is the Empress and she is associated with the goddess Venus who is all about communication, negotiation, diplomacy, and harmony. The way to get there is to first find the force of energy that unites us all. Then you find how to work together to create and generate things that make a difference in the world, then finally you get to the creative part that makes life exciting and fun. Find the joy inside and share that with others. Bring some fresh flowers into the house and let playfulness and humor be a part of your social interactions with others.
The Sun forms a square to Uranus this morning, stimulating reactive and rebellious feelings towards things that you believe are unfair or not helpful for humanity. You could be feeling dissatisfied if you continue with the old routines. Now is the time to try something new and different. You should not move your energy in temperamental ways and making decisions that you do not have all the information about. Expect plans to be disrupted but ideally this may lead to the adoption of new approaches. This transit could offer you the drive, energy, and desire to do something new. You are also moving towards a Mars-Pluto sextile, exact early tomorrow, which can encourage increased focus as the day advances. You benefit from a patient and deliberate approach rather than pushing for immediate action. You are intelligent and strategic when it comes to finding ways to pursue desires and goals. The Moon continues to transit Gemini until 5:49 PM EST, after which it moves through Cancer.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I shine my armor and sharpen my horns, while they dust their masks and polish their halos.
~L.L. Musings~
Here in northern California we are in an atmospheric river event where it has been raining very hard and in some places it has been flooding. I love nature and how it forces us to cleanse and let go of the old, clear and clean the very ground underneath us and create the fertility that will allow for new growth in the future. So today, what needs to be cleansed inside you? What do you need to clear out or clean out of your life? And what would create the fertility inside your mind, heart, and body that can carry you forward into a new reality?
~Suzanne Wagner~