Numerology/Astrology for 11/4/19
11/4/19 is the number 9. We are in a place that intuition is your guide for your soul’s journey forward. There are moments when logic no longer has any bearing to the forward progression that is required at this time. You cannot reason with the insanity of the world or with the insanity that lives within others. There are moments when any and all arguments of a person in distortion hold not a shred of anything valid or of value to you. That is why you simply listen to the inner self and move away from their dystopia. There is often no other way. There are times when conversations are unable to shift the tide of mental conflict that another person has. There are times when you must allow them their journey and trust that their journey will eventually lead them through the forests of their ego and into a place that give them a window into what their true and authentic self actually is.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
With the Half Moon in Aquarius, know that difficulties are right there waiting for you. Deal with each pattern that arises one at a time. You want to take action but you feel as if you are dealing with one crisis after another.
The Moon trines Mars in Libra. This aspects seems to be kicking everyone’s butt at the moment. Energy is low, lots of sleep is required, and you have to move from total conviction to maintain clarity and not get hurt. Sometimes it is your will that carries you through. This is that moment because your physical energy is low.
As we approach the Mars/Pluto Square things get ….. complicated. Not just for you but also the world. Power games have become the norm and there is non-stop back and forth that is all about arguing and resistance. You have to have self-control when you are dealing with endless power plays.
You are going to have to be wise and learn from all conflicts that arise. You have to learn to observe the games that play out around you and to not respond to the chaos but to watch it and evaluate what is really going on. Never trust what lies at the surface and what someone is presenting. That is often their false self that is protecting the more vulnerable part that they really, truly are. Others will attempt to convince you of something and that action of “needing you to believe them” is an instant indication that something is not really real. The harder someone tries to convince you the more alarmed you should become and the more you should back away.
You cannot control the world but you can control your own mind from capitulating to those that seem more important, informed, and wise. You are responsible for going on your own journey of self-discovery to explore the endless potential that is within you. A wise person learns from the confrontations and conflicts that present in life. You cannot collapse and cower when things do not go your way. You have to be flexible. You that flexibility comes from being challenged again and again and knowing who you are inside. Knowing how to love all parts of yourself. And recognizing that all things that arise are for your growth and evolution.
Venus is coming towards a quincunx to Uranus. It will be hard to figure out how to integrate what you need at this time. While freedom and independence are important, you also have to learn to bend and compromise. This lesson is not about getting what your ego wants but what you need to learn at this time.
~Suzanne Wagner~
You are responsible for going
on your own journey of self-discovery
to explore the endless potential
that is within you. A wise person learns
from the confrontations and conflicts
that present in life. You cannot collapse
and cower when things do not go your way.
You have to be flexible. You that flexibility
comes from being challenged again and
again. And knowing who you are inside.
Knowing how to love all parts of yourself.
And recognizing that all things that arise
are for your growth and evolution.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Right decisions
are rarely the
easy decisions.
Right decisions
put you in the
line of fire.
Right decisions
are what many souls
are afraid of.
Right decisions
are what define your
character over time.
~Suzanne Wagner~