Numerology/Astrology for 9/22/19
9/22/19 is the number 7. Planning is the word for the day. It is time to have some better structure and organization than you have ever had. There are times when you have to see what is coming and take steps to help yourself and those you love. The question is, “Are you letting your pride and need to be right for your ego getting in the way of doing active things that help this world and those you love. At this point it does not matter whose opinion is true. What matters is are you doing everything in your power to help create a world that is livable for your descendants and life on this planet. If you are not doing that then you are missing something, a moment of great importance. And a chance to become your own action hero and be a part of the contingency to save this world.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The week starts under a nurturing Cancer Moon. It is time for some comfort. I personally will be canning pears that we’re given to me yesterday.
On Sunday morning, Mercury makes a challenging square to Saturn. It may be that you are simply tired. Bone tired at the world and how humanity treats other alive things in this world. You need to actively do something to make a change and make a difference. What can you do this weekend? Then act on that and make it a family affair. Create rituals that are a celebration of life that show honor and respect. Don’t focus on the flaws and limitations that are present in your world. You just have to focus on what you can do. And then do that.
At the very least, Sunday morning, Saturn creates a few challenges. It is not the best time for critical thinking or communications. You may not get others to help you with your ideas but that does not mean you do not try them anyway. Remember, fighting will not get you what you want and neither will guilting others. Mercury squaring Saturn magnifies the imbalance that should be more than obvious. Setbacks are a part of the equation. You cannot argue with a closed mind. The negative becomes more obvious and perhaps you can take a look at it from a place that it is not negative but realism hitting you.
The Moon in Cancer squares Venus in Libra at dinner time. Your emotions are heightened and you may want to take a few risks.
~Suzanne Wagner~
You cannot save the world
without loving all the things
in this world.
I recognize that changing
minds in humans that are
selfish and controlled by
their egos is a waste of
precious time.
But I can, right now,
do things that will save
habitats, animals, and
sacred places that
protect and nurture
wildness and wonder.
~Suzanne Wagner~
On Friday, I received 20 of the high altitude redwood trees because my 32 acres is at 2500 feet. And I have begun planting my trees to replace the oxygen that my immediate family use up in a lifetime. While these are 2 year old trees and have a long way to go, I feel good in my attempt to combat climate change. So these first 20 trees cover 5 trees for my father, mother, sister, and myself. I plan to continue this process and include my sisters’ children, their husband’s, and wives, and present grandchildren.
I got the trees and the instructions said to plant immediately. Yikes! So I had to go out and begin the planting. I managed to plant 14 of them before I pooped out. I will plant the remaining 6 today on the lower meadow. I planted the first ones up the hill by some old redwoods. I asked permission with the old trees if they were okay to have the babies near them and picked a place where the ground has more leaf litter and is soft for their roots to expand and grown. I am planting the last 6 down by our lower road. The intention is to use them to block the view from the road below. It was hard work digging into the soil deep enough to give the roots some wiggle room to grow but the sweat equity is worth it for the planet. I hope some of you also put in some effort to plant trees in the right places at the right time. I am excited to see how they do and I will take water up to them this weekend.
I am also researching new recipes to pull myself back into eating more beans and things that again, do not harm the planet or the life on this beautiful world. Such things take time. To not get gassy, you have to soak beans and put them in water for at least a day and change the water so they shift their make up because they begin to sprout and off-gas. Often, doing things that are good for the world cause you to have to do things that take more forethought.
Fortunately, I had a mother that was the Kitchen Queen of preparation and I learned how to do small things each day that helped in the preparation of foods later. She was also great at not getting rid of things that can be made into something else.
Her favorite was that she saved the water from cooking vegetables during the week and put them in a container to make soup on the weekends that she would then save in containers and put in the freezer for my father for when he came home for lunch.
That soup was delicious with complex vegetable juices that gave it depth and nutrition. So much better than any vegetable broth that you can buy in the stores. Take some thought to consider what actions you will be doing in the future. A little planning creates health for yourself, your family and this world.
~Suzanne Wagner~