Numerology/Astrology for 9/4/18
9/4/18 is the number 6. The number 6 asks you to look at what your spiritual ideas and values are. We are each responsible for our choices and those choices are often based on what we believe are right or wrong. What if each of us went deeper than just the surface words of what we learned from others? What if each of us instead took a look to see if our actions where helping or harming others instead? The practice of conscious spiritual kindness moves past the words that we have been told are the foundation of a spiritual path and into seeing in real life whether our actions serve the greater good. Practice caring for all of life. I know that sounds like a big job but just start small and continue to expand your awareness outwards into bigger and broader patterns. Choose to be charitable and caring in all situations. Choose to practice peacefulness and empathy to all life. That will allow balance to slowly come back into place in this world of conflict. Your contribution is a small drop in a thirsty desert but together our intended wellbeing can transform that desert into a garden.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
On Thursday morning, Saturn ends his retrograde cycle (that has been going on since April). You may feel sluggish this week. Wait on those long-term and future projects tell next week.
Decide on what you want with the trine of the Moon to Venus as there might be a moment with something comes together a bit easier than it has been for a while. If you are in a relationship decide what is best for all and move in that direction.
Figuring out how to make things move smoothly is the key when the Moon sextile Mercury. Step on the pathways that have been tried and true for you rather than attempting to break the old mold and start something new.
Emotions are expected to get more intense not less over the next few days. Remember that everyone is hurting, and everyone is trying their best to navigate these choppy waters. Many have held a lot in for a long time and try to not put more expectation on others. Be honest, totally sincere, and kind because you do not know what is below the surface for others for the next week.
On the sheer fun level, try something new. But make it a playful, bouncy thing rather than something edgy and serious.
The Moon and Saturn are going to make you emotionally up and down all day. Just when you feel great, in the next moment you will feel very down. This is not the day to start a big project because you might be bogged down in problems that end up bigger than the project. Think it completely through and add more time to getting it done.
With the Moon in Cancer it is a great time for wanting to nurture others and share deep feelings. Allow that warmth, connection and sensitivity to open previously closed doors.
It is a good day with the Moon Trine Venus to indulge yourself a bit. Go get a massage, have a bubble bath, make your favorite meal, etc. Love and affection are trying to expand beyond your own body and out into the world.
Take the time to soften old emotional places, let go of protecting yourself, and let the one you love in.
Let those ideas flow freely as they will break you into a new place of clarity as you speak. You might just have a revelation that awakens you to something that you have not previously seen.
Regardless of tension in the world or a restless feeling inside, take a risk of not looking perfect and try something that is a stretch. Just choose the right people to do that with.
Astrologically there is a lot of conflict running around. Many may feel unsupported and because of that natural withdrawal from connection because of fear of being seen, they may come across as uncaring and insensitive. That is not what is going on. The emotional load everyone is carrying is difficult to hold on a daily basis when you somehow also have to work and function. The natural tendency is to distance yourself and to pull back. Be kind and give a few compassionate and understanding smiles.
Expressing restraint is better today that excess. Self-control becomes helpful in keeping situations balanced. Be careful that after a tough day at work that you don’t unleash that pent-up energy on those you love. ~Suzanne Wagner~
In the eyes is the light that emanates from the soul.
Because of the eyes, you recognize energy
that has been exchanged throughout time.
Through the eyes you connect beyond this time.
What comes through the eyes is nothing
of this world but from the higher realms.
It is the eyes that see beyond the human condition.
When you fall in love with the eyes, age no longer matters.
~Suzanne Wagner~