September 21, 2023

Poem – Fall Winds

Poem – The Fall Winds

As the Fall winds cool the air and signal a change.
Our mind calms down and important things can rearrange.
The outdoor cats begin to gain fur.
The birds head south where they will concur.

I have listened to the hearts of the winds in the trees.
I feel the sap drop down into the earth and the homing of the bees.
When we listen to the souls of all the life that is around.
We can move from duty and expand into astound.

I wish for a world that listens from the heart.

I hope for a world that is allowed a new start.
One that brings compassion to all life on this plane.
One that will finally break the egoic human claim.

That we are superior and that we deserve all.
When all of life knows that as we move into the fall.
That we must change and slow down with the tides.
And consciously block all whose intentions divides.

We are in the season that brings.
Contemplation and many more quiet things.
Listen to the winds as they try to soothe our soul.
And know that slowing down is what will make you whole.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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