September 12, 2023

Poem – Following in the Path of Odysseus

Poem – Following in the Path of Odysseus

In a speedboat’s embrace, we set sail to the isle,
Where legends and mysteries stretch mile by mile.
(Mil-yet) Mljet National Park, our destination unknown,
In the wake of Odysseus, we’re cast on our own.

With azure waves dancing and the sun in the sky,
We voyage through time as the seagulls soar high.
This island of wonder, where nature’s at play,
Where echoes of ancient myths still hold sway.

Sprawling beaches beckon with their golden sands,
Caressed by the sea, kissed by nature’s hands.
In the shade of pine trees, we find our reprieve,
A paradise on Earth where our hearts can believe.

Caves carved by time, secrets hidden within,
Whisper tales of adventure, where stories begin.
Their darkness conceals what the light cannot show,
As we navigate depths where heroes once roamed below.

Ancient ruins stand proud, a testament to time,
Columns and stones, witnesses to a rhyme.
Where (O-Gi-Ja) Ogygia’s whispers linger in the air,
The nymph Calypso’s touch, a love so rare.

Seven years detained, Odysseus once knew,
The spell of this island, the skies ever blue.
But in our own journey, we find our own way,
Exploring this paradise, a gift of today.

With each wave that crashes and each breeze that sighs,
We uncover the secrets that nature belies.
(Mil-yet) Mljet, a treasure, where stories unite,
In our speedboat’s journey, a true source of delight.

As the sun dips below the horizon’s embrace,
We’ll carry these memories, this enchanted place.
(Mil-yet) Mljet, (O-Gi-Ja) Ogygia, where legends take form,
In our hearts, this island will forever be warm.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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