September 5, 2023

Poem – Split Croatia

Poem – Split Croatia

In Split, where ancient echoes softly speak,

Where history’s tapestry is woven deep,

I walk the cobbled streets of olden days,

As clouds embrace the sky in muted greys.

The air, with hints of ocean’s sweet embrace,

Carries whispers from a time and place,

Where kings and empires sought this sacred land,

Their ambitions cast upon its golden sand.

Beneath the Adriatic’s gentle sway,

The boats once brought what kingdoms would convey,

Intrigues and treasures, stories yet untold,

In this old city’s heart of burnished gold.

Each stone and alley bears a tale to share,

Of centuries of triumphs and despair,

Of empires rising, falling with the tide,

As ancient walls in history’s grace abide.

So, as I stroll these streets where legends thrived,

Where centuries of life and love survived,

I’m humbled by the weight of history’s song,

In Split, where ancient echoes linger strong.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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