October 1, 2023

Poem – The Minotaur and the Taurus Moon

Poem – The Minotaur and the Taurus Moon

In the realm of the night’s celestial dance,

Where stars above in mystic patterns prance,

I ponder on a tale of ancient lore,

A Minotaur within my thoughts I explore.

The Taurus Moon, a symbol in the skies,

Intrigues my mind, its hidden meaning lies,

For in this bull, a story intertwined,

Of man and beast, of heart and soul combined.

A labyrinth of karma, dark and deep,

Where Minotaur and man in shadows creep,

A creature born of fear and primal lust,

Within this maze, their destinies are thrust.

The bull’s head, stubborn, righteous, and bold,

The human form, with aspirations untold,

Inflexible, they tread the labyrinth’s ways,

Unconsciousness awakens, dawns the haze.

The Minotaur, within us all resides,

A fusion of our fears and hidden tides,

To conquer this inner beast, we must dare,

To grasp the horn of truth, our souls laid bare.

For deep within, our fears give birth to hate,

In the labyrinth of karma’s cruel fate,

To navigate this darkness, we must strive,

Confront the demons and emerge alive.

We chose this path to face our inner night,

To seek the truth, to bring our fears to light,

A thread, our anchor, guides us on our quest,

Through the labyrinth, we put ourselves to test.

With courage, we confront the beast within,

Embrace our flaws, and let our journey begin,

Strength and resilience from our flaws we glean,

Our uniqueness reveals our life’s true dream.

Challenges, misfortunes, and mistakes we face,

Shape our souls, bestow us with unique grace,

In this peculiar blend of human art,

We find our purpose, play our destined part.

So, as the Taurus Moon above does shine,

I celebrate the merging of the divine,

In Minotaur and man, a truth unveiled,

In the labyrinth of life, our fears assailed.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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