The Snow Falls ….
The snow falls in whiffs of white.
The sky is muted and grays the light.
The cold makes still the hate and fear.
The light will return and is forever near.
You cannot make winter into spring.
And history will never make a fool, a real king.
Consequences are brutal in the face of truth.
Become a tool of karma in the polling booth.
You have a choice. You have power to decide.
You have the ability to shift the darkened tide.
Within a life are moments of change.
You have the power to re-arrange.
Throughout time there are always evil men.
Those that believe that they are without sin.
Those that care not for life at all.
Those that intend hurt and downfall.
I give no power to such men of hate.
They hold no truth and want to dictate.
I listen not to these “Children of the Corn”.
They break oaths to which they have sworn.
They care not for the rule of law.
They tear at the Constitution with a hacksaw.
Who are you when evil opens the gate?
Will you swallow the Kool-Aid of hate?
I walk away from the “Cult of Lies”.
I cannot stop those that despise.
I walk in the light of kindness and love,
Until I hear the call of the mourning dove,
Indicate that now the time has come.
And those that believed and succumbed
To the wounding that trapped their soul.
Have found the death that they cajoled.
~Suzanne Wagner~