September 23, 2023

Suzanne Wagner Quote – Some Choose to Fight Windmills

Quote – Some Choose to Fight Windmills

Some people need to believe that the world is surrounding them with enemies.
Some need to seize an opportunity offered by others to give themselves hope that they can be something … better.
Simple minds admire courage in others that they do not themselves possess, and they will wish to align themselves with even delusional souls to ride the wave of an imaginary world, hoping for the chance to seize the promised opportunity offered by another.
They want to belong to something that appears fantastic because their life has lost some deeper meaning.
Admiration to delusional people … opens a soul up to the perspectives of that person because of their desire to align with the power and illusions that this person’s personality possesses.
Some people have not found their purpose so they will choose to become someone’s squire.
They become the noble friend and compatriot that goes along with the ideas of another because they admire their perceived courage.
They follow another’s delusional mind because their own life has lost its meaning. Their life has become boring, and they crave some sort of adventure.
They then choose to fight the windmills of another’s delusions because it is fun, and they need to find some meaning to give value to their life.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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