Calling the deities of the four directions.
Singing to the ancestors to hear our prayer.
Coming to a place of appreciation and respect.
Allowing the love to be shared and witnessed.
In this time of spring and flowers
May we discover those hidden powers.
That unlock the secrets to a reverent life.
One that values compassion over strife.
May the hearts of all those in pain.
Find a moment to set aside the strain.
And reconnect to this life that could be.
The breakthrough to a spirit set free.
From the karmic burdens of the past.
And finally make a peace on earth that lasts.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Wonder of wonders … it is raining again. My phone still says, “Mostly cloudy.” We are in a cloud with the light rain pouring down.
We are all noticing the days getting longer and the light getting brighter.
We are learning to be aligned with the flows of nature and allow that light to warm our hearts and bring a softening to our soul.
Care and compassion are the way to be on such a lovely spring day. Have some gratitude for a life that is in constant change.
Appreciate those that are a constant in our life.
Appreciate the effort that life requires. Recognize that we all contribute to the bigger patterns unfolding in big and small ways.
But in our immediate environment is where we look to see the greatest impact and effect that we can have. And try to have your energy be one of a soft touch rather that a harsh hand.
There is enough suffering in the world. There is no need to add t0 it at this time.
Do your words soothe the soul?
Do your hands contribute to another’s goal?
Can we find a peaceful place to stand?
Can we discover more joy than we demand?
Within each life is a moment that seems to pause.
That is when we have a choice to see our own flaws.
While we cannot prevent some lessons that will be learned.
We can approach them with a kind voice that is more concerned.
Intend to grow and allow this change.
Many feel that there is too much to rearrange.
But we must begin … and the change is now.
We do not need to know all the answers such as “how.”
We just begin to shift who we are inside.
And learn to listen and take more things in stride.
There is no need to let the little things have power over us.
It is better to listen, learn, and discuss.
Why fight for things that intend to hurt hearts.
Best to step back before the suffering starts.
~Suzanne Wagner~