September 6, 2023

Suzanne’s Magical Time in Split

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 6, 2023Categories: Astrology/Numerology, Blog Daily

Suzanne’s Magical Time in Split


Last night, we went to dinner at an amazing place in Split. A recommendation from the hotel. It was a restaurant nestled in the courtyard of 4 buildings and had a lovely breeze off the ocean and amazing waiters. It was called “Marukha,” and while the menus might have been small, each dish was spectacular in its own right. And the waiters knew the perfect pairing of wine for each meal.
There are moments when one just wants to be indulged and feast on the flavors of a culture and a country. This was one of them.
We had spent the day wandering through the old city of Split (an ocean-side wonder), and marveling at the many different types of architecture that had been a part of this country’s position along the Mediterranean and a place that everyone wanted to have access to and or to conquer. Today, we are off to see one of the national parks and walk among the trees. (One of my favorite things to do in life.)
What is so interesting in talking with the people is that they know that they are a small country in a world filled with other languages and cultures. Because of that, they began teaching English in 1st grade. (Again, this is something we should be doing as well), and most people here speak four languages fluently. We do a disservice to our children by not giving them this very necessary advantage in a world that is becoming more and more interconnected. When we do not teach our children about other cultures, other ways, and other languages, we stop them from becoming a bigger part of this diverse world.

~Suzanne Wagner~




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