Osho Zen Tarot: Rebirth, Comparison, Intensity
Medicine Cards: Bear, Badger
Mayan Oracle: Measure, Language of Light
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Seven of Disks, Princess of Cups, Strength
Aleister Crowley Deck: The Tower, Princess of Swords, The Star
Healing Earth Tarot: Master, Fool, Six of Feathers
Words of Truth: Dreams, Abuse, Competition
On January 3rd Venus enters Pisces setting the tone for the flow of the entire year. Venus is exalted in Pisces and even though most say that Pisces is the only sign that can project unconditional and universal love, there is an overflowing element of the aspects of love as we focus less on fighting and more on how to love others in deeper and more authentic ways.
Venus is associated with Eros, music, seduction, sweets, etc. Some assume that Venus is exalted in Pisces because Venus was born from the ocean and so there is a connection to Pisces. But just to clear up confusion for those budding astrologers out there, Pisces is the fish (like a salmon going up a stream) and the ocean actually belongs to Cancer. What we have is the greater benefic (Jupiter the ruler of Pisces) and the lesser benefic (Venus). Think of this pattern is one of allowing a more sensual expression of that love rather than a more mystical expression of that love. Regardless, it is love. And as Mae West said, “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful!”
This aspect might make your New Year’s Resolution to be one of helping those in need. Your compassionate nature is aroused and you want to express your heart in a way that has substance and impact. You might feel as if you are searching for some idealistic connection. If you wanted to figure out how to make a business from your hearts desire this would be the moment to act and move in that direction. Money can flow if the worldly expression of your work is in the helping and healing of others, the planet, and those in need of your compassionate service.
This month is a rebirth of your heart and spirit. You might feel that you have the energy to bring your dreams out of the cave and into the light. You have been hibernating some ideas and now those energies are trying to come into your conscious awareness. Be careful that you do not misinterpret your thoughts as the goals. Thoughts are often viruses from others that you believed might be your path or purpose. But another’s path can never be your own. Another’s truth also cannot be your own. Dream your dreams, own them, and then take responsibility to move them forward. Do not be a worker bee of some else’s projection. Your dreams will be perfect for you. Trust them and let go of the need to be a part of someone else’s journey.
There are many powerful cards and energies influencing this month’s progression and it is filled with forces pulling with their own agendas and instincts, so expect some controversy and drama. Life will not be without its upsets.
Expect some vicious attacks that have a powerful aggression behind them as they explode into the world. There will be those people who have a chip on their shoulder and want to prove everyone and everything that does not agree with them that they are wrong. Do your best to not get embroiled in violent altercations with those who are acting from their ego and their reactive self. Do not put wood on another person’s fire. Just let the fire burn itself out and once their energy is exhausted and spent they might have an opportunity to awaken. Use the aggressive energy of the Badger to heal yourself and to rid you of the dysfunctional patterns that keep you to feeling stuck and miserable.
There are those of you that fear the unknown and who are connected to their personal feelings of despair and separation. Know that there is freedom when you embrace your own power and choose to free yourself from the limitation you are experiencing. You are clearly at the edge of who you have known yourself to be. You are standing at a doorway that requires you to walk through the fires of your own disowned emotional expression. You have to be willing to walk through the fire and let that fire burn away your old patterns, beliefs, experiences, judgments, memories and expectations. There is great joy when you learn how to live without attachments. That is how you become the Master player in your own magnificent game.
Just remember that there are those who are profoundly feeling anger and resentment. They feel hopeless not hopeful. You cannot convince someone who has their mind set one way that there are infinite possibilities in front of them. Their disappointment feels real to them and it will take much of your strength, patience, and compassion to allow them the time to see that things in the future are not as bad as they want to believe.
~Suzanne Wagner~