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Suzanne’s Blogs

Astrology for 4/28/2023

Astrology for 4/28/2023   The Leo Moon is bouncy and bright today. Take a bit of pride in your accomplishments. Step back, take a look at it, and smile. Perhaps [...]

Astrology for 4/27/2023

Astrology for 4/27/2023   With the occurrence of the First Quarter Moon, it always comes in with a bit of tension and pressure. Remember, that actions will create new tensions [...]

Astrology for 4/26/2023

Astrology for 4/26/2023   The Moon in Cancer desires to be warm and safe. It wants a beautiful yard and bountiful garden. It wants to share and give love to [...]

Astrology for 4/25/2023

Astrology for 4/25/2023   The Moon in Gemini reminds us that a flexible and adaptable mind is a very good thing. Those that live in the world of narrow minds [...]

Astrology for 4/24/2023

Astrology for 4/24/2023   The Moon in Gemini part of today, shows us the duality that we continue to exist within and reminds us that when we embrace both sides [...]

Astrology for 4/23/2023

Astrology for 4/23/2023   The Moon in Gemini … makes this day … light filled and eager. The mind can open to the wonders that are right there for so [...]

Astrology for 4/22/2023

Astrology for 4/22/2023   Early this morning the Moon shifts out of Taurus and into the engaging sign of Gemini. The speed of our thoughts quicken, and our curiosity is [...]

Astrology for 4/21/2023

Astrology for 4/21/2023   Mercury prepares to go retrograde today. It appears still in the sky, and it will spend this whole retrograde cycle in Taurus. It might feel a [...]

Astrology for 4/20/2023

Astrology for 4/20/2023   Early this morning we will have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries. This is a big day and signals some more changes in our attitude [...]

Astrology for 4/19/2023

Astrology for 4/19/2023   The Moon in Aries seems to catch some on fire. While that might help get the engines running in those that have felt stuck. Sometimes revving [...]

Astrology for 4/18/2023

Astrology for 4/18/2023   Today, the Moon in Aries tries to get us up and running toward those new thoughts and figure out how to make them into living, breathing [...]

Astrology for 4/17/2023

Astrology for 4/17/2023   The Moon in Pisces flows us deeper all day till this evening. At that point the Moon will move into the energetic and assertive sign of [...]

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