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Suzanne’s Blogs

Astrology for 4/4/2023

Astrology for 4/4/2023   The Moon in Virgo keeps us looking to the details and noticing those things that really … no longer matter and those things that we are [...]

Astrology for 4/3/2023

Astrology for 4/3/2023   With the Moon in Virgo there is an opportunity to see into one’s own shadow around perfectionism and where we just don’t allow ourselves to feel [...]

Astrology for 4/2/2023

Astrology for 4/2/2023   The Moon courageously leaps from Leo into Virgo this morning and that helps us find the focus that seems to keep slipping through our fingers. So [...]

Numerology 4/2/2023

Numerology for 4/2/2023   4/2/2023 is the number 13. 4 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 13. 1 + 3 = 4   In numerology, [...]

Astrology for 4/1/2023

Astrology for 4/1/2023   We are all in a sacred circle that is beating a new drum rhythm that is calling to our soul to no longer hide our uniqueness. [...]

Astrology for 3/31/2023

Astrology for 3/31/2023   The Moon in Leo wants us to get up and go. It feels time to move out into the world and find more ways to shine. [...]

Astrology for 3/30/2023

Astrology for 3/30/2023   The Moon spends most of today still in the homey sign of Cancer but will go into the more energetic and positive sign of Leo this [...]

Astrology for April 2023 Astrology for April 2023     We have officially shifted into a different time and reality. It will take the next 19 months for this really different pattern to [...]

Astrology for 3/29/2023

Astrology for 3/29/2023   The Moon in Cancer can make each of us want to step away from those that promote chaos. We seek the familiar and things that we [...]

Astrology for 3/28/2023

Astrology for 3/28/2023   We drop into the comfort and protection of the Cancer Moon this morning. But while we want that, the astrology seems to be systematically pushing us [...]

Astrology for 3/27/2023

Astrology for 3/27/2023   The Moon continues to operate in Gemini helping us see both sides and giving us time to bring those sides together. If you are feeling tired [...]

Astrology for 3/26/2023

Astrology for 3/26/2023   The Moon in Gemini allows our curiosity to inspire us into new actions. It can also help us turn the other cheek. Something that each of [...]

Astrology for 3/25/2023

Astrology for 3/25/2023   Today the Moon will move from Taurus into Gemini, engaging our more social side and helping us see past our own biases. It is always more [...]

Astrology for 3/24/2023

Astrology for 3/24/2023   As we all feel the pressure lifting into the clearing air of Aquarius … with Pluto finally in place to bring us into the interconnectedness of [...]

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