My Blog2024-05-21T23:58:27+00:00

Suzanne’s Blogs

Astrology for 1/17/2023

Astrology for Today 1/17/2023   The Moon starts out the day in pensive and emotionally complicated Scorpio. We seek a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. As the morning begins [...]

Astrology for 1/16/2023

Astrology for Today 1/16/2023   The penetrating Moon in Scorpio will show us what is not always easy for us to accept. We cannot see how our actions create habits [...]

Astrology for 1/15/2023

Astrology for Today 1/15/2023   The Moon in Libra will balance the scales in our life that refuse to even out … on their own. Thank goodness we have these [...]

Astrology for 1/14/2023

Astrology for Today 1/14/2023 The Moon in Libra reminds us of balance, especially if that balance seems lost. There is a restlessness as we see out the eyes of greater [...]

Astrology for 1/13/2023

Astrology for Today 1/13/2023   The Moon in Libra is forgiving, gracious, and grateful. It seeks to discover the balance in those moments that (at the time) felt unfair or [...]

Astrology for 1/12/2023

Astrology for Today 1/12/2023   Yea! We have made it to Mars shifting and going direct! It seems to have been a very long two months of retrograde. As it [...]

Astrology for 1/11/2023

Astrology for Today 1/11/2023   The Moon in Virgo makes those details really matter. Its often the small things that can be the most important in the creation of something. [...]

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