Suzanne’s Blogs
Astrology for 1/6/2023
Astrology for Today 1/6/2023 We have a Full Moon approaching this evening. Many may not see it because of cloud cover and its early daylight peak, but we will [...]
Numerology for 1/6/2023
Numerology for 1/6/2023 1/6/2023 is the number 14. 1 + 2 + 6 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 14. 1 + 4 = 5 The Number [...]
Suzanne’s Blog for 1/5/2023
Blog – The winds are blustery and the outdoor cat Coco, came out from under the porch to let me know she is here but that she is under [...]
Suzanne Poem – Precious Moments
Poem – Precious Moments Precious moments tick by. Most don’t notice … or even try. To grab the doors that open as we pass. They lead to magic and [...]
Astrology for 1/5/2023
Astrology for Today 1/5/2023 Today is a day when we appreciate our home, because the Moon shifts out of Gemini this morning and into Cancer. Plan some yummy cooking [...]
Numerology for 1/5/2023
Numerology for 1/5/2023 1/5/2023 is the number 13. 1 + 2 + 5 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 13. 1 + 3 = 4 The Number [...]
Blog – Words and Rain
Blog – Words and Rain I remember the rain that fell in Berlin. I remember the dark clouds and feeling socked in. I remember the tiny apartment that looked [...]
Suzanne’s Poem – A River of Water
Poem – A River Of Water A river of water is coming our way. This is not the type to go out and play. It is a river of [...]
Astrology for 1/4/2023
Astrology for Today 1/4/2023 The Moon in Gemini is perfect for a get-together with others. Perhaps a dinner party is in order. More unconventionality is calling to us. The [...]
Numerology for 1/4/2023
Numerology for 1/4/2023 1/4/2023 is the number 12. 1 + 2 + 4 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 12. 1 + 2 = 3 The Number [...]
Suzanne’s Poem – She is a Wild Creature
Poem – She is a Wild Creature She is a creature of wild abandon. She is the soft caress of hard shoes on a floor. She knows how to [...]
Astrology for 1/3/2023
Astrology for Today 1/3/2023 The Moon in Gemini gives lots of energy to our activities, choices, and chores. Seems that many things can be unraveling at the same time. [...]
Numerology for 1/3/2023
Numerology for 1/3/2023 1/3/2023 is the number 11. 1 + 2 + 3 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 11. The Number 11 reminds us that minds [...]
Suzanne’s Poem – The Forest After the Storm
Blog – The Forest After the Storm The sunlight is strong today as the New Year bursts forth. The cat lays cuddled next to me on the bed. The [...]
Suzanne’s Poem – Remembering Ireland and the Neolithic site, Newgrange
Poem – Remembering Ireland and the Neolithic site, Newgrange I thought yesterday about the caves of Newgrange. Shining the light of solstice as those beams came. Through the clouds [...]
Astrology for 1/2/2023
Astrology for Today 1/2/2023 The Moon in Taurus for most of the day intends to steady our ship as we cross new and uncharted waters. The Moon will go [...]
Numerology for 1/2/2023
Numerology for 1/2/2023 1/2/2023 is the number 10. 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 10. The Number 10 reminds us that change [...]
Year of the Water Rabbit – Chinese Astrology for 2023
The Year of the Water Rabbit – 2023 Fears surface and emotions seem to overflow with the shifts from climate change. While Rabbit is an animal that wishes to [...]
Numerology for the Year of 2023
Numerology for 2023 Exploring the Deeper Meaning for the Year 2023 2023 – 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7 To Find Your Personal Number for [...]
Intuitive Patterns for the Year of 2023 Intuitive Patterns for the Year of 2023 Osho Zen Tarot: Fighting, Success, Past Lives Medicine Cards: Owl, Dog, Lizard, Eagle Mayan Oracle: Resolution of Duality, Universal Movement, Kan Ancient Egyptian Tarot: [...]
Astrology for January 2023
Astrology for January 2023 We start the Month of January with Mercury already in retrograde in Capricorn till the 18th. In this position, it will be trying [...]
INTUITIVE PATTERNS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2023 Osho Zen Tarot: Schizophrenia, Guilt, Exhaustion Medicine Cards: Blank Shield, Spider Mayan Oracle: Cimi, Realm Shift, Rhythm Ancient Egyptian Tarot: King of Wands, The Chariot, [...]
Mercury Retrogrades in 2023 – Safety is the Key
Mercury Retrogrades in 2023 – Safety is the Key This year, most of the Mercury retrogrades are in earth signs. Our focus is on our ambition, our things, and [...]
Eclipses in 2023 – The Ongoing Deepening of our Psyche
Eclipses in 2023 – The Ongoing Deepening of our Psyche Remember back to October-November 2022. Those eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio hit like a ton of bricks. [...]