Suzanne’s Blogs
Pluto in Aquarius – March 23, 2023-June 11, 2023
Pluto in Aquarius – March 23, 2023-June 11, 2023 This will begin a major change in regard to the entire dynamics of social structures, politics, and all those things [...]
Saturn in Pisces – March 8, 2023
Saturn in Pisces – March 8, 2023 This shift will help the building blocks of our new societal ideas to flow with greater ease and with more creative expression. [...]
Astrology for 2023 – Mars comes out of retrograde
Astrology for 2023 – Mars comes out of retrograde Mars goes out of retrograde on January 12, 2023. Stuck in Gemini, where it has been not giving us the [...]
Astrology 2023 – Overview
Astrology for 2023 - Overview So much is shifting in the first Quarter of the Year, and it will feel to some as if a huge weight is lifting [...]
Suzanne’s Blog – A Quick Look At the New Year of 2023
Blog – Quick Look at the New Year of 2023 While this year will start slow, know that such energy is a gift for us to energetically prepare for [...]
Suzanne’s Poem – Celebrating A New Year
Poem – Celebrating a New Year! We start this year out with much to say. We are here to celebrate a new day. Christmas trees need to come [...]
Astrology for 1/1/2023
Astrology for Today 1/1/2023 The Taurus Moon wants us to stay close to the warmth of the fire. As it connects to the Capricorn Sun it brings in a [...]
Numerology for 1/1/2023
Numerology for 1/1/2023 1/1/2023 is the number 9. 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 9. The Number 9 is a celebration for [...]
Suzanne’s Blog – Following The Flows Of Dance
Blog – Following the Flows of Dance Dancing was for me a gift to understand myself, my emotions, and how to energetically connect to this world. It was an [...]
Suzanne’s Poem – Setting Our Intentions
Poem – Setting Our Intentions Today we set our intentions for the new year. Take some risks and reach out with no fear. This is the time where we [...]
Astrology for 12/31/2022
Astrology for Today 12/31/2022 At midday the Aries Moon will shift towards a more grounded and strong-willed Taurus Moon. We strive for consistency to help us feel more safe [...]
Numerology for 12/31/2022
Numerology for 12/31/2022 12/31/2022 is the number 13. 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 13. 1 + 3 = [...]
Suzanne’s Blog – The Dancing Days Of Old
Blog – The Dancing Days of Old I left for Berlin Germany when I had just barely turned 18. I had no idea what I was in for. I [...]
Suzanne’s Poem – Here We Are At the End of the Year
Poem – Here We Are at the End of the Year As we approach the end of the year. I wish only goodwill and lots of cheer. Here’s to [...]
Astrology for 12/30/2022
Astrology for Today 12/30/2022 The Moon in Aries seems to know the way that we should go. Just know that being too pushy is not the best option. Directness [...]
Numerology for 12/30/2022
Numerology for 12/30/2022 12/30/2022 is the number 12. 1 + 2 + 3 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 12. 1 + 2 = [...]
Suzanne’s Quote/Poem – Life Continues of its own Accord
Blog – Life Continues of its own Accord Life continues of its own accord. Life has one guarantee, one can never be bored. Not if we are willing to [...]
Suzanne’s Quote/Poem – Stepping into the Vibration of an Incursion
Quote – Stepping into the Vibration of an Incursion I felt the vibration. An incursion was happening into this domain. I wondered who it was and if they would [...]
Astrology for 12/29/2022
Astrology for Today 12/29/2022 The Moon in Aries this morning sets the stage for a more direct approach to this day. Such a Moon can make some impatient and irritable. [...]
Numerology for 12/29/2022
Numerology for 12/29/2022 12/29/2022 is the number 20. 1 + 2 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 20. 2 + 0 = [...]
Suzanne’s Blog for 12/28/2022 – Humanity is Just Lost in Time
Suzanne’s Blog for 12/28/2022 Blog – Humanity is Just Lost in Time I have died as I have lived. Open, willing, and eager to give. Humanity is [...]
Suzanne’s Poem for 12/28/2022 – The Deluge
Suzanne’s Personal Quote/Poem for 12/28/2022 Quote/Poem – The Deluge The rain began falling last night. The winds were strong and the thunder a fright. One loud clap before [...]
Astrology for 12/28/2022
Astrology for Today 12/28/2022 The Moon in Pisces continues to show us what is yet to be healed. Emotions are strong as this year winds down. Mercury is preparing to [...]
Numerology for 12/28/2022
Numerology for 12/28/2022 12/28/2022 is the number 19. 1 + 2 + 2 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 19. 1 + 9 = [...]