My Blog2024-05-21T23:58:27+00:00

Suzanne’s Blogs

Suzanne’s Poem for 12/15/2022

Suzanne’s Personal Poem for 12/16/2022 Poem There are moments when the light is dim. And we see world problems that are grim. Some cannot wait to take a stand. Others [...]

Astrology for 12/15/2022

Astrology for Today 12/15/2022 The Moon in Virgo helps information be more readily available.Mercury and the North Node will trine and that is encouraging for those confronting those things that [...]

Astrology for 12/14/2022

Astrology for Today 12/14/2022 The Moon moves into discriminating Virgo early in the morning … as we are all sleeping. Hopefully we wake up in the mood to organize and [...]

Astrology for 12/13/2022

Astrology for Today 12/13/2022 The Moon in Leo sets the stage for the next few days. Honor is the key, as it is time to be proud of who we [...]

Suzanne’s Blog for 12/12/2022

Suzanne’s Blog for 12/12/2022 Blog It has been raining for days and it causes me to want to stay warm by the wood burning stove. The cat seems to just [...]

Astrology for 12/12/2022

Astrology for Today 12/12/2022 The Moon in Gemini increases our chances to connect in meaningful ways with others. Communication today is mostly about listening and allowing rather than giving one’s [...]

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