July 23, 2023

Poem – A Raven’s Call

Poem – A Raven’s Call


I listen to the ravens waking up the day.
They call to remind us that there is always a way.
What we think is less important than what we do.

We are here to learn how to not let the mind go askew.

The call of a Raven is loud and strong.
It is not pretty, and it plays no song.

It is there to make us pay attention to the now.
A raven’s call is more like a powerful vow.

Will you notice what comes your way?
Will you embrace the bad with a loud display?
A raven knows that pretending to ignore.
Will not change a thing and reminds us to instead explore.

Today, I sit with the raven’s call in my mind.
He wakes me up to those places I am blind.
He does not pretend to be nice and calm.
A raven’s call is always on an intercom.

Sometime loudness is the only way.
To remind us to speak our mind and always say.
The good and the bad, the light and the dark.
And that is the way to live this life from the start.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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