July 30, 2023

Poem – Celebrating the Month of August

Poem – Celebrating the Month of August


In the radiant grasp of summer’s embrace,

Roars the month of August, with its feline face,

A month of days adorned in golden hues,

Where nature becomes a joyous muse.


Beneath the azure sky, animals run and chase,

Awakening Earth with its playful grace,

The fields adorned in blooms of every kind,

A tapestry of colors, enthusiastically intertwined.


The gentle zephyrs whisper through the trees,

As if the whole world is swaying with such ease,

A symphony of rustling leaves commence,

Nature is awash with things to sense.


The days stretch long, and twilight becomes near,

As if nature has signaled and all clear.

And in this dance of light and dark, we find,

Moments to cherish, memories that defined.


August, a month of leisure and delight,

Where laughter echoes in the day and night,

Families gather, hearts and spirits blend,

In the warmth of summer, love transcends.


Beneath the stars that twinkle high above,

In August’s arms, we find many treasures to love,

Of days to bask in life’s eternal glow,

Embracing summer’s gifts, we thrive and grow.


So raise a toast to August’s splendid reign,

The month that gifts us memories to retain,

With joy and love, we’ll sing its sweet refrain,

Until the fall begins its thirsty rain.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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